
深圳市领越电子有限公司,是一家专业销售蓝牙WIFI模块及无线产品方案配套物料的公司,于2012年成立,短短两年时间内取得了韩国知名蓝牙WIFI模块品牌F1 Media的代理资格。 公司一向秉承领先、卓越的理念,力争在蓝牙低功耗产品及未来热门的物联网行业快人一步,对品质控制严格,为客户提供优质的产品及卓越的服务! 凭借全体员工的共同努力,利用香港母公司领越元件有限公司成立多年(2006)取得的资源优势,公司现正大力发展无线类产品的代理与分销,已与多家知名企业建立了战略合作伙伴关系,未来的日子里,我公司将与广大客户及同仁们共同成长,努力开拓出双赢的局面! Shenzhen Link World Components Ltd, focuses on the market of Bluetooth,Wifi module and other wireless solution materials.Established in 2012 and in shortly 2 years, we have abtained the distributor certificationof F1 Media, a famous bluetooth and wifi module brand in South Korea.Sharing the values and beliefs of LEADING, EXCEL, we make every effort on the BLE products and the line of Internet of Things,strictly controlling quality and supplying excellent products and service. With the whole staff's effort and good resource from our HK mother company, Link World Components Ltd(since 2006), now we are developping wireless distribution.Also we have established Strategic cooperative partnership with many famous enterprises. In the future, we will grow up and walk into the WIN-WIN Pattern with our customer and partners! [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:广东深圳市福田区福明路40号雷圳大厦2006 浙ICP备17016739号-4
